Friday, April 27, 2012

Toilets - A Clean Story

I clean our toilets three times a week, nearly every second day.  This might seem like alot but I like to keep on top of it and with Mr King, and 3 year old Princess, not everything makes it into the bowl.

I clean ALL the toilets on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday - we have guests on Saturday nights waaay more than Fridays, so always present a clean toilet - VERY important for guests.  There is nothing worse than going to someones house and getting a not-quite-clean toilet to use. YUCK.

I start at the top, wiping the handle, door, window sill and walls before moving onto the toilet.  I use throw away wipes and work from the outside in on the toilet itself.  Then I use Toilet duck - always with bleach, and vacuum and wash the floor.

On a side note, please dont be tempted to get Lemon toilet duck, Yellow coloured water sitting in your bowl can give the wrong impressions to guests - even if it is Lemon Fresh.

  • Wipe Door and Handles - inside and out
  • Wipe Windowsill
  • Wipe Walls - Spot Scrub (include light switch)
  • Wipe Toilet top, top of lid and sides of cistern
  • Wipe below bowl, and nooks around bottom
  • Wipe underside of lid, top of seat and underside of seat
  • Wipe actual bowl and scrub where needed
  • Use Toilet Duck
  • Vacuum and Wash Floor

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